Adenuga Adedunmomi, better known as “Dumomi the Jig,” returns with his sophomore EP, “Luna.” The Lagos-born and Surulere-raised artist, who holds a BSc and Master’s degree in Architecture from the University of Lagos, continues to explore his musical talents with this latest project.
“Luna” is a concise and direct collection of songs that details various emotions and experiences. The EP kicks off with “War,” which speaks on overcoming trials and tribulations. Dumomi’s lyrics speak on how adversity shapes individuals, preparing them for life’s battles “All the trials and tribulations they make us who we are”.
In “Not The Same (NTS),” Dumomi leans into his more vulnerable side as he expresses deep admiration and attraction towards a love interest.
The EP concludes with “Sharp,” as he shows off his self-assuredness and exceptional abilities in his craft “My game is sharp, my babe is sharp”.
- War ft Dxnger (Produced by Black Culture)
- Not The Same (NTS) (Produced by Black Culture)
- Sharp (Produced by Streetbeatz)
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