Olayinka Owoseni, known by her stage name Yimeeka, unleashes a sonic masterpiece with the release of her latest single, “Iro,” on April 12th. This highly anticipated track is part of her upcoming , self-titled EP, “Yimeeka,” which is set to captivate audiences with its exploration of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery.
“Iro” is a testament to Yimeeka’s versatility as it displays her ability to eloquently combine various genres with intensely personal lyrics. With its contagious beats and soul-stirring melodies, the track produced by Yimeeka, Pheelz and rapidly rising House and Amapiano Producers & DJs Smeez & D3an.
On “Iro,” Yimeeka continues her exploration of the complexities of relationships, building on the emotional narrative established in her previous releases. The song encourages listeners to confront the silence and be honest about their emotions, creating a powerful and relatable experience for her growing fan base.
Known for her dynamic performances and unique sound, Yimeeka has already left an indelible mark on the music industry. Her previous releases, including the debut EP “Alter Ego” and the 2-Song Pack “ISSUES/TSUNAMI” in 2023, have garnered acclaim from both fans and critics alike.
As a testament to her rising prominence, Yimeeka has received support from BBC 1xtra and has secured a spot-on Spotify’s ‘Created by Women’ playlist. With a performance at Tiwa Savage’s concert in Toronto in August 2023 and collaborations with global industry heavyweights like Davido, and The Chainsmokers, Yimeeka is set to solidify her place as a trailblazer in the global music scene.
“Iro” is a prelude to the larger narrative that Yimeeka will unfold with her upcoming EP, “Yimeeka,” scheduled for release on April 26. The single promises to be a compelling introduction to the emotional journey that listeners can expect from the full project.
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