Ozedikus, born Igbinoba Osaze, is a renowned producer and engineer whose musical journey began with piano lessons, encouraged by his father. His fascination with music evolved from playful competitions among peers in the neighbourhood to playing instruments for local churches. As he transitioned into his teenage years, music became more than a passion—it became his livelihood. Seeking a medium to express himself further, Ozedikus found his way to the DIY studio at Much More Studio in the Ojo area.
With a string of successful hits to his credit, Ozedikus has solidified his status as a household name in the music industry.
In his latest single, “Ifeoma,” Ozedikus takes centre stage. The genesis of this captivating track traces back to social media, where a spark of inspiration ignited into a blazing fire. Ozedikus launched a verse challenge on TikTok, and the response was overwhelming. Entrants poured in from all corners, showcasing their talent and creativity. Ultimately, two standout collaborators emerged: CupidSZN and BoiGizmo.
“Ifeoma” is an ode to a love interest—a celebration of beauty and charm. Lines like “I never see Ikebe wey big like trailer” and “My Ifeoma, my madam” reveal Cupidszn and BoGizmo’s admiration for both physical attributes and commanding presence. The song’s lively and catchy melody underscores the joy of love and admiration.
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