Sarz and Lojay, reunite to deliver their latest offering, a new single titled Billions. The much-expected single marks the first offering of 2024 for the duo, and a pathway for what is to come for the rest of the year.
For those unfamiliar with their magic touch, Sarz, the producer extraordinaire, possesses an uncanny ability to weave infectious melodies and pulsating rhythms. Lojay, on the other hand, is a vocal engine, his sultry vocals smooth as velvet yet capable of carrying a song with undeniable charisma. Together, they’re a formidable force.
Billions is no exception at all. The new single is a sonic celebration, an upbeat fusion of some Afrobeats and Amapiano elements. The result of this unique blend is an exhilarating and catchy song, a top-of-the-playlist playlist occupier.
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