Victor AD, a renowned voice in the Nigerian music scene, continues to blaze a trail with his latest release, “Ebube (Odeshi).” Known for his storytelling, his music often mirrors his journey—a journey marked by determination, and self-belief.
Rising from humble beginnings, Victor AD has consistently infused his songs with authenticity, capturing the struggles and victories that have shaped him.
With “Ebube (Odeshi),” he reflects on the strength that drives him forward, giving fans a glimpse into his inner world and what fuels his artistry.
“Ebube,” an Igbo word meaning “glory” or “splendor,” speaks volume to Victor AD’s faith and belief in a higher power.
“Ebube (Odeshi)” symbolizes strength and protection, embodying Victor AD’s resolute nature and unbreakable will. Lines like “I never start to use my powers, dem don dey vex” hint that he has barely begun to tap into his full potential, yet already faces both admiration and fear from those around him.
Listen to “Ebube (Odeshi)” Here
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